I had a breakdown...


So today I went in for my 24wk appointment. I gained 9lbs and I am now 252lbs. I didn't see my doc (she was out on vacation) so I saw a nurse practioner. From the very entrance into my exam room I was uncomfortable. That was the first thing she questioned was about my weight. Not how I was feeling or the list of concerns I had to talk about. I left feeling horrible about myself and just internalized everything and hid all my emotions til I got home. I put my daughter down for a nap and sat on the floor in the kitchen and just broke down. I pushed myself even not pregnant to try and not look at that # and have people in my life that helped me to stay healthy without looking at that # and I just feel defeated and miserable right now. No mom-to-be no matter her size should feel like a # when she walks into her doctors office. I of course cried myself into such a mess; blood pressure went up, felt nauseous, and dizzy. I of course turned to food - couple jelly beans - and went for a nap to try and calm down. Never will I ever have this nurse practioner see me again throughout this pregnancy. Sorry for the long post. I hope you all have a good day and not have to experience this. We are grown women who are more than aware of what is going on around them... We dont need a doctor in our faces about it!