Waiting to miscarry...


This waiting game royally sucks. Found out last week that I’m (now) 9 weeks along, but no baby developed. Dr gave me the option to miscarry naturally. I’m so sick of waiting for this to happen but terrified to have a d&c.; Thought about the pill, but keep reading about people having to go in for a d&c; anyway. Why won’t this just happen!! Still have strong pregnancy symptoms which is such a tease, and look 4 months pregnant so I’m avoiding people at all costs.

I️ just miscarried back in September, but I️ was only 6 weeks, that time I️ bled before I️ knew I️ was going to miscarry.

Thankfully my 2 yr old is a great distraction, but I️ feel like nothing is enough. I’m going ready to rip my hair out waiting and assuming every little feeling is going to be “it”. Uhg. This blows. End rant.