Pressuring kiss


Ok so my girlfriend and I have been dating for about a month and she kept getting touchy and I wasn’t ready to kiss or anything like that, I told her and she kept saying pls just one time. I got annoyed for a little bit because I just wanted her to understand that I wasn’t ready. I told her I want really ready and she said ok and blah blah blah, then the next time she came over we actually kissed. It was all good and stuff and I felt accomplished and all but a few hours after that she wanted more kisses and I told her I didn’t want to but she begged and all and so I decided to kiss her one more time just to make her happy, I later told her that it wasn’t her it was me, I told her I was nervous and we are only 13 and aren’t ready (sorry I didn’t mention I’m 13 and this is my first relationship and yes my parents know and are ok with us being together) but back to my point, she keeps pressuring me and I’m nervous and I just want her to take things slow. (Btw I’m pansexual)