Extremely hard relationship.

I don't know if this is really the place to post this but I'm 19 & my fiancé and 36 and lives in TN, I live in AR, but according to my family; I'm not "allowed" to be with him. They know nothing of the engagement. But when I was getting ready to move my family called the Sheriffs department and made a giant scene for hours in my front yard while Shawn was on his way to get me. They took my phone so I couldn't talk to him and made me leave the house with an officer so I wouldn't be there when he got there. When I got back they were all standing around him like a pack of dogs.. I feel trapped. I'm madly in love with him, I just don't know what to do. We've been sneaking around and lying ever since. He has a prior domestic charge but he didn't lay a hand on her, in Tennessee if the officer has a slight belief that you've committed the crime they can arrest you, but I've talked to his ex-wife and she told me he didn't hit her but my family doesn't care.. They hate him. What do I do?