Worried 😢😭

Krysta • 💙Drake 01/04/13💙💜Serenity 10/29/18💜

I’m so overly emotional this pregnancy I cry over everything I feel like, I cried day before yesterday because the grocery store was temporarily out of strawberries 😂😂 but back to it, I have a 5 year old son with adhd, odd, & disruptive disorder (he’s a wild child) and we are expecting baby #2 October 29th && I’m so scared because I don’t want to take all the attention and put it on the new baby when it comes and make him think I’m a terrible mother to him, at the same time I know newborns take sooo much attention && I will have to give the new baby a good amount of attention, I guess I’m asking what are good ways to incorporate my son into momma baby time with the newborn or what are some goos activities we could all do together!! Let me add he is super excited to have another baby && wants a little sister lol their dad works so I’ll be at home more than him!