am I wrong?


let me start off with saying my so and I live with my mom and sister. I get paid every Thursday and usually take my husband to dinner as a weekly date. last Thursday my husband comes to my job and says he quit his job. I get it. his boss was a psycho asshole. (he now refuses to give us my husband's tools or house key off the work vehicle key ring. my husband was in a hurry to leave and forgot it) I thought it would be nice to take our mothers out to dinner with us (his mom's grandmother died on Sunday. funeral was that day) my mom asked if my sister could come and she'll pay for them two. I didn't see an issue with it. after I got off work and got dressed I called my husband to tell him my sister was now coming too. (he was picking his mom up) he throws a fit and I hear my mother in law in the background saying acting like one more person is going to put her out. I tell my husband don't worry about it none of us are going now. I was paying for my mother in law my husband and myself. my husband ends up going to his mother's house. I called and asked why he's making a big deal out of it and he starts saying my sister is lazy and stinks. this is my baby sister so of course I stood up for her. (she's 22 but we're 10 years apart so I'm extremely protective of her) he goes on saying he's not coming home and whatever. he eventually called and apologized. he came home after a few hours. his mom is always talking shit about my family so at this point I refuse to forgive her. I told my husband until she apologizes o don't want to see or talk to her. I even said when we have kids (ttc for #1) she can't be in the hospital room with me and she will only see them when I'm around. She's also a huge racist so I'm scared my child's first word will be something derogatory. (I'm mixed. white and Alaskan native American) am I wrong?