Getting too old now

Bee • Happily married since 12/08/17. Stepmom to the most awesome little boy :-) Baby boy born 04/09/19 🥰🥳

Hi, I’m 37 and TTC for my first. Doctors say I have a thyroid problem and high prolactin which will affect my fertility. Only husband and sister know I’m trying. From the rest, I hear the usual “when are you having kids”, “you should act quick, not getting any younger”. Husband (already has a DS,6) and sister (has FS,12) are trying to be supportive “keep trying, it’ll happen” or “stay position and it’ll happen” which really doesn’t make me feel any better. I have a deep fear it’ll never happen but pretending I’m not bothered or worried. Just want to cry on my own sometimes.

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Bee, my love...It is okay to cry, let all of your frustration out 💟 I know its not easy to hear people say those things, but know that God has a beautiful plan ahead for you 💜👭 Sending you plenty of baby dust ☄ And remember....we are here for you


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Did your doctor check your pituitary gland regarding your high prolactin levels?


Ja • Jun 24, 2018
Good luck👍🏻


Bee • Jun 19, 2018
Sorry for the late reply. I will mention it at my next appointment. Thanks Jamie


Ja • Apr 7, 2018
Good luck, I hope everything goes well. I only asked because I had the same issue with my prolactin levels. I was sent for an MRI to rule out a pituitary tumor. Because that can raise your levels. Just something to ask about.