My sister used to be the mean popular girl in high school where I was the nerdy loner. Now that we are in college I am more popular than her, and she hates it. Everytime I am with my friends, she starts being loud and rude acting like she knows everything. All my friends say they cannot stand her, and I don't blame them. One of my friends has schizophrenia and one of the other ones has a mental disability. Today she was loudly saying to all of them that they are weird, and I said well I love them. She said it multiple times and each time I said I love them. Then she called me weird, and I said I love being weird. My friends could not take it anymore, so we all left her at the table and went to class. I am glad they don't blame me for her actions like my old high school friends would do. EDIT: We do our best to avoid her, but she follows us everywhere around school even when we want to be left alone. It is not as easy as not hanging out with her. Ignoring her does not work either.