I feel like my doctor doesn't want me to breastfeed anymore...


Hey guys. I'd like some insight in regards to my situation with my doctor. I'm in Canada where domperidone is prescribed for breastmilk production. At two months of age, my son refused to latch and my supply dropped. I've basically been exclusively pumping since and I still try to get him to latch. It's not very often he does. Anyway, I tried every old wives tale in the book and nothing brought my supply up enough to feed my baby. I used all of my frozen milk and made a doctors appointment where he prescribed me a month of domperidone and told me to see a lactation consultant. I saw her and she said sometimes these things just happen and she would like me to stay on the domperidone. She gave me some tips and tricks to try as well. I went back to my doctor for another prescription and he told me he would only give me one more month of it. My son is four months old. I asked what the plan was after it ran out and he told me that my son should be on solids at six months and not need my milk any more. I just kind of took it and left. Talking to my husband after I'm not really satisfied with this. To quote my husband it's not like my son turns six months old, wakes up and eats a grilled cheese. I've done my research and the WHO recommends EBF till six months, and food and breastmilk until atleast two. I feel like the benefits outweigh the risks and shouldn't it be between me and my son as to how long I breastfeed for? I'm a little upset and worked up so any direction is appreciated.