Just looking for comfort..


I have been so emotional for the past week.. and no, I'm 99% sure it's not from being pregnant. My period is due on the 9th and I just know it's gonna show.. i was hopeful for a few days after O but now I've lost all hope. I've been struggling with secondary infertility for 2.5 years with a miscarriage and a ruptured ectopic in between and I was counting on this cycle because it was our last cycle trying without seeking help from a specialist.. I'm so terrified to see the obgyn because I just know I'm going to get news that I'm not ready or willing to hear. I thought it just HAD to happen this month and everything in my gut is telling me it didn't and I just feel so hopeless. I know you ladies know what I'm going through so I figured I'd vent on here because my boyfriend has a difficult time comforting me regarding the situation because he doesn't understand the emotional exhaustion infertility causes a woman and I don't blame him for that. He tries his hardest to support me and ride out this journey with me, but i just want someone to talk to who truly understands how painful this is..