What should I do?!? Beware long post!


This may be long and I apologize but I’m so lost and need advice..

I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and I have been together for what will be 2 years in July. Everything was pretty perfect up until I got pregnant. Our sex life was the first thing to go, he started masturbating in the bed next me just about every night while I tried to sleep. I had a talk with him and told him it hurt my feelings that he would choose to do that in bed next to me instead of having sex with me. I don’t care if he masturbates I just wanted to be an option and didn’t like the fact that he kept waking me up doing it next to me. 33 weeks later and our sex life is now non existent. Which at this point I’m fine with..

But lately he has been super hateful to me in some ways. He has made comments about me “letting myself go” he has jokingly called me a “dried up cow” etc.. I’m already feeling so unattractive and these comments are hurtful.

Easter Day we went to his family’s to celebrate. It was a house full of people I didn’t know. When we got there he walked in without me, I walked in and everybody just stared at me rudely. Didn’t say hi or anything and he didn’t bother to introduce me so I became very uncomfortable and went outside with my kids. Later I went back inside and told him “ I feel very awkward, everyone is just staring at me and doesn’t know who I am are you going to introduce me?” He immediately got mad and said “ I don’t do that, I don’t know what you want from me” so i grabbed my kids and left and cried the whole way home.

My boyfriend spends every moment that he is not at work on his video game. He plays the game in the bed next to me until sometimes 5 in the morning and wakes me up nightly by doing so. I’ve asked him to be more considerate and for the most part he refuses. I get nothing from him, emotionally or physically. He has not lifted a finger to help me get ready for the baby nor has he helped me purchases the items we need for the baby. I asked him to get diapers weeks ago and he won’t do it. But then he got mad at me for buying them. Mind you I am a stay at home mother right now due to being laid off before I got pregnant and haven’t been able to find work since then due to the pregnancy. So I really don’t have the money for what we need. I’ve had a lot of severe pelvic and hip pain with this pregnancy and my doctor has asked me to basically be on bed rest but i haven’t been able to because he will not lift a finger to help me. Knowing that I shouldn’t be doing the things that I’ve had to do.

We do not cuddle, we hardly talk, we are not intimidate, and now he has started doing weird things like leaving at 2 in the morning for work when he doesn’t have to be there until 6. I questioned him via text after he left at 2 am and he said everyone decided to go in at 4 and they were all going To eat breakfast at 2.. which may be true but just seems weird to me based off of how he has been acting lately.

I am to the point where I don’t know if it’s worth it to stay in this relationship but I feel like I would be stupid to kick him out when I’m just weeks away from giving birth to our son.. what would y’all do??

Also I’ve already tried talking to him numerous times and he’s always good for a week or so then back to the same ol shit..🤦🏼‍♀️