In labor! Updated!


Hi, friends. I’m actively in labor now and thought it might be fun to give you a play by play. I’m 39+5 weeks and woke up at 3:30 am to some strong contractions. It is now 5:45 am, and I’m heading to the hospital! I’ll keep you updated.


So I woke up at 3:45 and felt a couple deep contractions. I hung around in bed for about another 30 minutes timing them. They were all under five minutes apart. I didn’t want to wake up my boyfriend yet, so I went and put some makeup on, and brushed my hair. I still timed my contractions, and they were getting worse, but when I called the doctor, they said I could hang out at home until they were even closer together as long as my water didn’t break. I decided to put together a little candy dish for my nurses, and I wrote a note to my first born. I texted my mom just to wake her up, so she’d be prepared. Around 5 am, I woke my boyfriend up. He took a quick shower, and we loaded up myself and my daughter in the car. We drove to my mother’s (like ten minutes away) and dropped off my daughter there. When we got to the hospital it was like 6:30. Triage checked me, and I was 6 cm (I was only at a 1 two days ago 😯). I stood up the whole time while they were getting a heartbeat/contraction strip. I was in triage for about 30 minutes before they got me to a room with my boyfriend and doula. As soon as I got in the room, my contractions were back to back and all I could do was stand and lean over my bed while my doula pushed down. My water broke while I was standing up at like 10 cm. I told all of them that baby was coming out and we only had time to get me sideways on the bed to catch his head. No screaming on my end until the very end lol, but the last part where his shoulders came out really sucked 😵. He was born at 7:40 am, 7lbs 6 oz and 20 inches. Five minutes shy of a four hour labor done all natural 😁

❤️ Oliver James ❤️