Non-Alcoholic Beer / Wine

Holly • Wife to an amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mama to two sweet and spunky little boys 👦🏼👶🏼💙

BEFORE YOU EVEN ATTEMPT TO SHAME WITH THE “is it really that difficult to just go without” or “your baby is more important than risking it” let me just shut you down right now. Keep scrolling - not interested in your useless commentary or judgement. I’m not some party crazed 21 year old, this is my second baby and I am a good mom who would die for my kid(s). When I was pregnant with my son, I didn’t have even a drop of alcohol, didn’t eat sushi unless fully cooked, barely even drank coffee. You name the risk - I stayed far away. This time around, sure I’m a little more relaxed - I occasionally have a cup of coffee here and there (because toddler life is freaking hard, man!) and I may have had a spicy tuna roll once. My point is - I of all people understand and believe in abstaining for the sake of your baby - it’s really not that hard of a sacrifice anyway. Now, you can continue to read 😉

I’m Maid of Honor in my very best friend’s wedding and we have her bachelorette party this weekend. It’s going to be classy and mature at a wine festival (I’ll be living vicariously through the smells lol) and we’re staying overnight at the resort it’s being held at. In the room, the girls will all be drinking as we play games and get silly and I’d love to find a 100% safe non-alcoholic product if it exists? Just so I can feel like I’m partaking a little for this unique occasion. One of my concerns is from what I’m researching most of what I find still contains a small amount of alcohol. I’m also not a sweet wine person - my preferred wines are either Chards/Sauv Blancs or Malbecs/Cab Savs. For now I’m planning to just get some sparkling cider or even Welch’s Sparkling “Rosé” but I’d love something that doesn’t taste like juice. Suggestions? Success stories? Things to absolutely stay away from?

Thanks fellow mamas!

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Posted at
I know nothing about non alcoholic wine. Not sure if you are completely opposed to the real deal, but here’s what I usually do: If I want a glass of wine, I will portion out a glass worth. Then I’ll split that portion in thirds or fourths. Add some sprite, ice, fruit... voila! Your own spritzer that’s a bit sangria-like. And you’ve got yourself 3 or 4 drinks out of it but only one actual glass of wine. Tastes good, you feel involved, it’s being very moderate about wine consumption, and hell- I’ve heard it’s good for your heart. 💕


Me • Apr 6, 2018
Ooo that sounds delicious


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
But this is actually a great idea.. I could do this with the Fre stuff - since I’m kinda iffy about even the content in that - I’d probably be way more comfortable doing it that way!! Thanks for the idea, mama!


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
Probably love if I did to chill out sometimes, lol!


Posted at
Thankful I came across this post, I’m almost out of my first trimester and holy smokes ive been craving alcohol... why!?! Even beer, and I hate beer? 😂


Posted at
Also just wanna day thanks to all you wonderful mamas who get it and aren’t judging from a high horse! 💕


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
*say ....struggling here today with my unwanted iPhone corrections and the app’s lack of edit function on comments lol


Posted at
When I was pregnant with my son and we had family events I would spring for a good quality root beer or a martinelli’s sparkling cider. That way it was still something I didn’t drink regularly so it was like a treat to celebrate with


Ashley • Apr 6, 2018
I only drink IBC brand the rest are terrible to me so I totally get it!


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
Root beer would be good except I’m a weirdo who hates it 😂


Posted at
Have you checked out this brand? When my sister in law was trying to keep her early pregnancy a secret at Christmas, she brought a bottle of this. I didn’t try it, but she seemed to enjoy it.


Holly • Apr 6, 2018


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
She’s currently around 24 weeks now and everything is looking healthy so far! :)


Momma of 4 • Apr 6, 2018
I'm going to exercise common sense judgment here. just don't drink the whole bottle and you'll be fine! even if you had a few sips of regular wine one day, it won't hurt the baby. so a glass of this won't hurt.


Posted at
Have you looked into mocktails?


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
If I were a cocktail person I would! I’m such a beer and wine chick! Or margaritas - tequila is actually the only hard liquor I like (said no one ever! Lol)


Posted at
Yes! There are two brands that I can think of. Fre is one but a little bit cheaper tasting and the second is Ariel, which all the wine I've tried tastes great! I believe both of these have most of the alcohol removed or contain so little it would be okay. I'm a big wine drinker too and have been missing my real wine but these are great substitutes! Mocktails are also a great alternative! Have fun! 


Posted at
My local supermarket has non alcoholic wine cider even gin !! It’s great and so much cheaper ! Xx


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I make bloody Mary’s but hold the vodka...still delicious 😊


Me • Apr 6, 2018
😂😂 luckily I don’t have issues with that yet


R • Apr 6, 2018
I got heartburn just thinking about that


Me • Apr 6, 2018
Another one I do because I love fruit juice is cranberry, pineapple, Orange juice and sprite with ice. Refreshing and delicious


Posted at
Try Fre. Or make a virgin mixed drink.


Stacey • Apr 6, 2018
I’m with ya, the sweet stuff is gross!


Stacey • Apr 6, 2018
I love vodka tonics or sodas, so I just make them without the vodka too. Put a slice of orange in it and it looks the same!


Holly • Apr 6, 2018
Definitely looking into the Fre! Seems to be a good one 😊