Husband is just mean

While I was pregnant I could do no wrong. There were days that I felt sick and slept the day away, and my husband would bring me food and have the kids help with the chores. Fast forward to now. Our baby is 3.5 months, like 2 weeks after he was born via C-section my husbands attitude starting changing. He started nit picking things, like how I cared for the baby or if the house was messy when he got home. Now its a daily thing, he says Im fat and I never take care of myself, I don't clean enough or cook good anymore. I don't take care of our baby well enough b.c. his skin is dry. We dont have much more than 2x a week now its been hard for me its mostly painful and I honestly am so tired that I dont get horny, I fake it everytime. I call him out on things when he's being an ass, and he usually says well its true. what do you want me to do pretend it doesn't bother me. although I want you to treat me nicely for once compliment me on what I do right. I'm no Betty Crocker or Suzy homemaker I do what I can every they. I clean cook and do laundry take care of our baby and his kids and I never complain. he literally comes home for work sits down and doesn't do anything the rest of the day. I don't what it is I'm doing wrong if anything, is anyone going thru this