22 weeks and 4 cm dilated


I had been on bedrest when it was discovered that I was 1 cm dilated at my routine ultrasound. Then this past Monday it was discovered that I was 4 cm dilated and having contractions every 2 minutes, all of which I could not feel at all. I was told it would be a matter of hours. I met with a neonatologist who explained that they will not even come to access her, that it will be strictly comfort care. I cried from my soul that night and with the support of my so, accepted what was going to be. But then we made it till Tuesday morning and then Wednesday morning, and now it's Friday and I'm still hanging on. I was sent home because there is nothing they can do at this point but to come back if my water breaks or I'm bleeding or feel pressure. On Tuesday night midnight the baby will be 23 weeks, I will go into triage and be admitted for steroids. Having reached viability I will then stay in the hospital until I deliver. With steroids and seeing that she's a girl and born at a tertiary hospital she will have a 46 percent chance of survival without long term complications. For now I just lay in my bed praying to god every second that I make it another hour, another day. I tried many years for this baby. My so and I have been together almost 15 years and she has been my miracle baby from the beginning. We want and love her so much. I truly believe we have made it this far because of prayer and positive energy. If anyone has the time can you please send us some that our little one can stay in long enough to have a fighting chance ❤️❤️❤️❤️