Caffeine baby?

Haylee • first time mommy • nursing student • runner • cat lover

So I’ve had a cup of coffee nearly every day during pregnancy. I’ve been drinking coffee every day for the last 5 years, so my doctor thought it would be just fine to continue that instead of put me through the trouble and stress of going off of it. Anyways, yesterday was a complete rest day for me, as my baby shower is tomorrow, and I’m going to need all the energy I can muster at 31 weeks pregnant. I didn’t drink any coffee yesterday at all, and I noticed a decrease in movement that scared me. However, when I consciously counted movements, it seemed okay. This morning I had my coffee per usual because I’m cleaning our apartment to get ready for the stuff we’ll get tomorrow. And she is just as active as her best days. Could that one cup of coffee be giving her the same boost it gives me? I don’t want my newborn addicted to caffeine.... 😅🤦🏽‍♀️