here’s the question...


I’ve been battling in my mind about this for about a week now. I just had <a href="">IUI</a> done 2 days ago, I few of my close family members know because they were going to help my husband and I with a few of the expenses (none of them actually did), if this wasn’t the case I wouldn’t have told a soul. Well since they know I’ve had the procedure done they’ve been texting and calling everyday. Here’s the thing, I’ve suffered 2 miscarriages and we’ve been TTC for 6 years. Even when I DO (speaking it into existence) get my BFP in 2 weeks I don’t want anyone to know! Not at least until I’m 12-14 weeks. Is it wrong for me to just shut them all out & pretend I’m not pregnant? I feel so bad. What should I do? What should I say?