I didn’t know i was pregnant! Long Post.


So 2 years ago I gave birth to my first child, but get this I NEVER KNEW I WAS PREGNANT until the day i gave birth. I was 16 years old a little overweight for my age, junior in high school, and pregnant. Of course you’re saying that’s crazy, you should of known who wouldn’t feel that. Well the answer is me! I wasn’t getting any pregnancy symptoms, i was on birth control (which stopped my period), all different types of meds for all types of this wrong with me, and going to doctor appts regularly. On Feb. 10, 2016 I went to urgent care cause I just didn’t feel good and i couldn’t stop feeling this pain in my stomach. Well the doctor pressed down on my stomach, in my head i’m like you fucking dick that hurts, and all he tells me is that i’m fine i am just obese meanwhile i’m pregnant and I don’t know. Well exactly a month later, March 10, I stay home from school cause I just can’t move i don’t feel right. Of course my mom just says i’m faking it and what not. So what i thought was just my bladder exploding was my water breaking at 630 am. I was like whatever just clean everything up. Well hours passed its now like 6pm and my dad comes home to me on the floor crying in pain (my moms passed out on the couch from eye surgery). He’s all like “wtf is wrong with you” and i just say i cant feel my whole right leg and i keep having this sharp pain on my right side. He quickly takes a shower, wakes my mom up, and they take me to the hospital. At 8pm i was admitted for possible appendicitis. At 9pm I was brought up to ultrasound to figure out what was wrong and BAM! We see a baby boy ready to come into this world. At 930 i was admitted into Maternity. 11pm i was pushing my baby boy. 1117 Isaiah was born weighing 7lbs 14oz at 20.5 in long. I later found out that i had high blood pressure, high sugar, gestational diabetes, and i was preeclampsia. My mom was told my son and I would possibly not survive giving birth. my son was born unresponsive , i was crashing in and out but here we are 2 years later strong and healthy. I am now 18 yrs old, married, and trying for baby #2.

Everyone i have told this story has been like this

This is my son at 2 years old.

My husband and son at 7mo.