My LO is 19 mo old and had a fever on and off all day today..

I’m wondering what you ladies think I should do??? Should I visit the ER? Or wait it out??

I’ve seen moms say they don’t go to the ER for fever unless it’s over a certain number..

I’ve seen others say they go to the ER as soon as it’s a fever.

The highest his temp got was 101.8 then it went down after I gave him Tylenol.

He was really fussy when his temp was at its highest, only wanted me to carry him and crying about everything.. but as soon as the temp went down he went back to his normal self playing with toys etc

He’s been drooling A LOT and has lots of new teeth coming in.. I think a couple of them might be his molars.. too soon?

Anyways I’ve waited out a fever before and just given him Tylenol and he was fine the next day and I’ve also gone to the ER as soon as a fever hit ( when he was a lot smaller) and they always told me the same thing that he was fine.. just give Tylenol every 4 hours...


I’ve just been kinda in panic mode because my mom insists I just take him to the ER.. but he’s acting normal still now and is drooling and plenty of wet diapers.. no fever anymore right now either.