Breastfeeding help!


My 4 week old has struggled with latching on my right breast since week one but I’ve had 2 Lactation consultants tell me her latch looked great. Even if I feel like she has a good latch, she doesn’t maintain a strong suck & swallow like she does on the left. She almost always falls asleep quickly, becomes more shallow & acts like it’s a pacifier.

For the first few weeks my nipple was way more tender than the left side but it wasn’t cracked or bleeding. This last week it started feeling better but then today I noticed it had a crack (no bleeding...yet) and then the right side of my breast started to feel tender & throb. I’ve tried different holds, relatching a ton, a warm compress, and massaging but it’s still so painful at each feeding. Oh, I’ve also had the chills for the past 4 hours so I’m worried this is mastitis. I’m contacting a LC but until Monday I need advice because I broke down crying at 1am about it and haven’t been to sleep since.

I really don’t want to give up breastfeeding. I have hopes to make it a year.