7 weeks later ... finally deciding to share my birth story. !👶🏼🤰🏽


My originally Due date was March 9th. Had a pretty easy and happy pregnancy all the way until I reached 35 weeks... I started having really high blood pressures and constant headaches and nausea. when I was 36 and 3, I was at work and got really light headed and had a BP of 140/88. I called the doc and they told me to come in. Was put on the non stress test monitor and was having some contractions so they sent me to L&D.; After a few hours being there they sent me home. My OB wanted to see two days later to follow up. 36 and 5 I came in and told them how shitty I felt and was constantly crying . My OB decided that I needed to be induced because I Wasn’t going to get better and could get worst very fast. Only thing my hospital wouldn’t induce unless you were 37 weeks... so they said that following Monday come in for 7pm.

February 19th;

Arrived at 7pm to L&D; for induction ... 37 and 3.... get brought back and all settled in... first induction med at 930pm... the pill... get checked hourly due to high BP and baby girl kept moving away from monitor

Feb 20:

Was woken up a few times to get baby’s monitor repositioned because she loves to move. Around 130 am... pill #2 went in... not even half hour later they made me lay on my right side only for a while because her heart rate kept dropping during contractions ... so then the famous cervical balloon came into play. And holy hell that hurt. Ballon goes in around 240.. around 6 am they want to start pitocin ... not even 5 minutes I have wicked bad contractions . So they stopped the pitocin. But I haven’t dilated. Maybe like half cm. During the next 12 hours get checked, deal with headaches nausea etc. at 12 hour mark they take out balloon to realize the ballon didn’t even dilate me . It was right below where it needed to be the whole time ... great. Now doing cervidil for 12 hours.

Got checked around 5 ish - and was a ctually 4 cm. Took verdicil out. Contractions are intense. 9:30pm - 6cm dilated and dropped.

Epidural around 10-1030pm... most amazing thing ever. Broke my water around 11pm still at 6cm


145 am... dilated 7-7 1/2 cm. 8 cm by 3-330 am. Fully dilated by 530 am. Started pushing at 6 am . Eleana Rae Nelson born at 635 am . Momma has second degree tear

Now she’s 6 and half weeks old and perfect !!! Weighing almost 10lbs! And always smiling at mommy and daddy 💕💕💕