Intercourse with medicine

Amosia • 👼🏾Aaliyah born 9/23 at 20 weeks grieving .

I have been seeing a RE since January we took a break from testing till I can get a insurance pick back up in April went in for a ultrasound cycle day 3 along with blood work got a call later that day ultrasound came back great ,through out all my issues I had one issue which was my vitamins D was very low so I was given pills to take and when I went in cycle day 3 I was retest I haven’t receive blood work for that or my hormones level back

Next week I have my last ultrasound before a sit down with my RE

I’m not a doctor but with all the testing me and my fiancé had done in this journey my vitamins was the only issue that my doctor address

My question is have any of you ladies had intercourse with medication and what kind of medication was you on

I have had 4 mc so I’m happy to be getting some answer
