

My parents are reaaally strict. Well, mostly my mom. She doesn’t make me go ANYWHERE. I’m 15 and I get so jealous of these other people who can leave the house whenever they want and do whatever they want and have boyfriends and stuff like that. I need some advice on how to talk to her and to make her understand my point of view. But the thing is, she constantly yelling at me and getting mad at me for not doing simple things like cleaning my room or washing the dishes. I want to have a relationship with my mom but it’s really hard when all she does is get mad at me. I want to have a conversation with her about all this but I don’t know what to say to her. PLEASE HELP!!! Ya girl is struggling out here. And if anyone has/had similar problems comment below and we’ll all get through this together. I just need some advice man 😭😂