HELP! Please!

This is gonna be pretty disgusting but I honestly need help lol, my mom is too lazy to do anything about it so I need some advice, a few days ago I got my wisdom teeth pulled and I had stitches in my mouth and I guess they dissolved by now but there’s the problem, on my bottom right side there’s a huge ass hole like u can see in it if I open my mouth wide and kinda open it a lil, I ate popcorn the other day and it’s not the kernel but it’s the popcorn stuff that’s stuck in there, i tried getting it out but it won’t come out but I mean I got some out but there is still some in there, I tried gargling water and the stuff they gave me but it JUST WONT COME OUT! I don’t know if it will naturally come out but it is making my mouth taste disgusting, I took a q tip and tried to get some out but that didn’t rly work either, if anybody has some ideas PLEASE tell me and PLS tell me I’m gonna be okay lol I’m only 14 and I have no idea what to do