My Stubborn, Handsome Son


Tuesday April 3rd was my due date in the clinics system but I always went by April 4th. Anyways I had an appointment on the 3rd since my baby would not come no matter what I did! I had an appointment for induction April 5th. I got to the hospital around 5:30am.. they break my water around 7:30.. I was 8 1/2cm by 11 but my epidural was WAY TOO STRONG so therefore I couldn’t feel anything to push.. I was supposed to have my baby before 12:00pm.. a couple hours go by & I still couldn’t push.. so the nurse said that’s when I would have to push for 3hrs none stop & if nothing happened I would have to have a c section. I do believe my baby waited for his dad who started a new job 6hrs away. He made it while I was pushing & he also helped get his son here.. i pushed for an hour or an hour & a half... I had to have him naturally due to the strong epidural. My baby came at 7:11pm, weighing 8lbs 10.9oz 21 1/2 inche.. it was so hard , I thought my pushing wasn’t doing anything but I did it.. I pushed my baby out!! His dad & I are so in love!

A day after birth😍

Couple of hours after birth 💙

Today.. 3 days after birth 😍💙