Sisters surprise

Ok so my husband and I have been ttc for the last 8 months and the only person I told was my little sister, and I asked her to keep it quite. She was the one person that I could talk to about being frustrated about not being blessed with a little one. I told her the names that I liked and my hopes for my family to grow . She was all ears and kept telling me that it will happen you just need to relax and God has a plan for you. But she hit all of me with a soccer punch last month when she told me that She is pregnant through a text message. ( ya I was not to happy at first ) but I have come to except that she is the one to bless our family with be first grandchild and not me. I have had a lot of emotions that I have been trying to deal with in this matter and one of them is trying not to snap at her when she tells me to relax and I told her that when you are actually trying to plan for a family thing are different and she was upset with me for saying that (because she didn’t plan for this baby) But like I said am trying to keep my emotions in check when we speak because I don’t want to be that person .... any advice ladies