How many hours of TV do you watch each day?

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.
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I never really used to watch much at all, but we recently ordered Netflix. Big mistake. Every show I get into, I binge-watch it until I'm caught up. It's a sickness I swear 😩


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Being a SAHM, it's on a good part of the day. Disney junior for dd while I play with her on the ground, on for me when dd is napping and I'm cleaning or eating, and then dh and I watch TV together before bed.


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Zero, don't have a TV purposely. Soo many other things to do 😉


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Don't Like TV. I Prefer Netflix On My Phone. 


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Nearly all day we have the TV on. Right now I'm on bed rest so TV helps keep me entertained. 


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The only reason I watch a decent amount of TV is because I love to watch the news. I'm only 17 so friends joke around and call me a grandma but I feel disconnected from the world when I miss the news for a long time.


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Lol more than 3 hours, the news is 3 hours in the morning! Then the nightly news, gotta watch Ellen and Dr Phil, and I end up watching a few hours of cartoons a day too.


Chelsea🎀 • Jun 22, 2015
I love them!


Al • Jun 22, 2015
Literally all i watch is Dr. Phil and Ellen omg 💘


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I was never really into TV. So now if I have a show im interested in I would watch up to an hour of TV a day. I can't see how some people can be glued to the damn thing. 


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I don't have cable... Lol we have movies and that just gets boring so I'm usually cleaning, playing monsters with my son, on here/ Facebook, or out of the house.. So about as long as one movie last is how often I watch tv.. 


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I rarely ever watch tv. I think the last time was 3 months ago, I watched a movie 😳. I watch YouTube videos, maybe 45mins a day and see a movie on the weekend occasionally lol. That's about it!