Is It A Sign?!?


So as everyone knows My Husband & I have been praying everyday for a baby, negative Test after Test. Tear after Tear 💔 we Honestly just given up completely. We’ve gotten the “oh just wait til the right time” or “stop Trying it’ll happen”. Let me tell y’all I’m so sick of Hearing every single one of those little comments, because the ones who told me that are the ones who don’t have one single clue how it feels to have to beg & pray & cry almost every other night because there at home with there newborns or little ones.

So fast FORWARDING.... Lately things have been different, I had a spotting that I’ve never gotten before?!! It went away in 4 hours, nothing on the pad or nothing a Week before my period! I’ve been sleepy, when I say hungry I mean like 8 plates in 😂, boobs have been itchy & cramping a tiny bit but only on one side 😐... but I thought of nothing but than I missed my period on the 3rd!!!!!!! But AGAIN negative test 💔 So I went to my OBGYN she wanted to do a blood test it came back Negative..... but she says my HCG levels are out of the roof, but I can’t be pregnant....I literally cried my eyes out on the phone with her. So I went back In & she took another test, negative once again.... I still have this feeling somethings there! I ask for a vaginal ultrasound bc I know they show more (not getting into detail) but she denies it & says to wait til the end of this month....😭😭😭

Fast Forward to TODAY...

I took a Pregnancy Test once again, it was once again Negative. My husband & I are just crying... why can’t I have a positive test!?!!? so I go downstairs, my Dog is sitting by the Front door wanting to go out, I open the door & there & Behold a SMALL LITTLE WHITE BALLOON! I look around there’s no parties going on or anything! (It’s raining outside), & for some reason I just start crying! Is this a Sign or something!? Is God trying to tell us something! ❤️ Ladies what do y’all think!?!

Updates will be put on as I go!