so annoyed with my boyfriends mother.

So my boyfriend and his mom are weirdly close. And her and I are completely different types of people. I'm a laid back person who cannot deal with drama so I will literally remove people from my life who bring drama into it. She is the type of person who is loud and extremely dramatic, and always has some sort of drama in her life. She used to live out of state, until my bf and I had our son, she worked to move to the same state as us.. to be more involved with our son. Well she's been here for a few weeks and we've seen her at least once/twice a week. I'm a stay at home mom and don't ever drop my son off with people unless I absolutely have to. Her and I don't talk about anything but small talk. Well she calls my boyfriend today (and last week!!) throwing a fit that I don't let her take our son all the time to spend time with him. like wtf!!! if she has a problem why can't she contact ME like an adult?! Why would I drop my son off with someone who can't even communicate with me? I'm so frustrated. And of course my boyfriend is mostly on her side. She mentioned on the phone to him that she feels like I don't want her and my boyfriend to be as close. which might be true, but that's only because she's weird with him. like wanted to show him her 😾 when she got it pierced. and asks my bf inappropriate questions right in front of me. like if he's ever slept with girls that he didn't know their names. y'all I'm extremely frustrated and annoyed. 😩😩😩 I don't even know where to start on mending our relationship.