Anyone else felt like this?


So today I’m 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I called in sick at work yesterday just purely because I couldn’t arsed, also been suffering really bad with sickness, well I had the full day off with my other half as he doesn’t work weekends, one of the reasons I wanted it off just to spend some quality time with him.

Well today I’m on my own in the house and I just lying here thinking I should of done this and I should of done that before I fell pregnant although its taken me 3 years to get pregnant... just keep thinking I wished I had done my driving before, wished I had got a new job better hours and better pay, wished I had travelled and saw more of the world, wished I would of waited till we was settled in the house we’ve just brought, wished I had gone out with my friends more and gone on a girly holiday, I’m 23 coming 24 and so much I already regret already 🙁, is it just my hormones? I know I can do this all after in my life but I see all my friends from school going places and doing things, I haven’t been on a holiday since 2014 we was meant to go last year but the flight company we was flying with went bust and our whole holiday got cancelled, I dunno I’ve got so many mixed emotions I’m excited too don’t get me wrong can’t wait to be a mom and my partner can’t wait to be a dad again. His older than me and I felt a little pressurised, i also didn’t think this clomid would worth this quick... might feel different when we have the scan, just feel like an out cast with my friends too 😩