So Incredibly Frustrating


Since our last weekly checkup I have been doing everything... EVERYTHING to get some dilation and hopefully start labor on my own. Long walks, sex, orgasm, nipple stimulation, labor cookies, spicey food, being around a newborn, squats and bouncing and I'm sure more crazy things as I heard them. Had our doctor appointment this morning (38+3) and... absolutely nothing. Cervix is high and closed. Not even a one or close to it. I've had contractions but only BH and no other signs. I was so frustrated I started bawling right in front of DH and OB. My OB won't induce until 39 weeks which is Friday and the hospital won't elective induce on the weekends so it would be next Monday at the earliest. I wanted so bad to avoid induction this time around (my third) so I could labor at home instead of the hospital, which I hated last time. But I don't want to go past 39 weeks because I'm prone to big babies (last was over 9lb). I knew some of you ladies would understand, Im just so damn upset. Please send labor mojo!