what should i do?

So my boyfriend has done this several times and he will tell me he is in class when he is not. he will just not go. im not sure if he thinks im stupid but he makes it so obvious. we both have our snapchat location on and this morning, he didnt go on snapchat at all until I said were gonna lose our streak so he snapchatted me, and then turned his location off but I saw it on as soon as he snapped me which said he was at home. then i will try to hint at him like I know youre not at school but he just lies some more saying he is. we were going to go to the gym but he texted me “while he was on campus in class” that the washer ruined his clothes and has nothing to wear. you ladies might think im crazy or something😂 he does not like telling me if he skips his classes because he doesnt want me to be disappointed. but im 100% sure he didnt go to class today and I am seeing him soon and thinking about confronting him. not in a bad way, but I want him to know he can truthful and honest with me about everything and I wouldn’t get upset. it just worries me that if he can lie and continue the lie so easy, what else could he lie about. should I even talk to him about lying to me? because honestly I dont care if he went to class or not, I would prefer him to go but im

not gonna be a bitch about it. someone leave me advice please