My heart is aching...

Alanta • Army wife to the most handsome perfect man! Doggie mom to two 🐶🐶 plus 🐍! Love my animals!❤️❤️TTC❤️❤️

My husband and I got Married on March 16th. I was the absolute luckiest girl in the whole world!!❤️

He is the dorkiest most handsome, loving, perfect man I know! He made everyday so perfect!

But, after months of talking about our future (started talking back in January), we made the decision that the Army was his next step.

I got to spend 14 days married to the man of my dreams before he reported to Basic training. I got to fall asleep in his arms those 14 nights.

We visited his family and I spent every possible moment I could with him.

Now he’s at boot camp and I’m finally getting wedding pictures back. I know it’s not forever and I know a million wives have been here. But I didn’t know nightmares could be so bad until he wasn’t by my side holding and protecting me. I never knew my anxiety could hit so how until he wasn’t there to hold my hand and kiss my head to bring me back to earth. I never knew I could cry so hard until it’s all I did for hours. I miss this man like no other but I am so proud of the decision he made to take care of our family. To go through hell on earth (boot camp) just so he could support everything we want to do in life. My heart aches for him to hold me and I know it’s just a short 9 weeks until I can hug him again, but this is also going to be the longest most complicated, frustrating, overwhelming, anxiety ridden (with a constant smiling face no matter what) 9 weeks of my life. So here’s to the next nine weeks. Waiting for a phone call to hear his voice. Waiting for a letter with his awful handwriting. Waiting till I can be in his arms again before he goes to AIT...