So tired of all of the judgmental people out there!!!


So I’ve seen a lot of stuff bashing moms for formula feeding lately. Newsflash judgmental people of the mom world, some people can’t breastfeed!! My daughter

was given formula in the hospital due to her being in the NICU for a bit after I had her. But you best believe I pumped constantly to try to get my supply to come in. Once we got home she got breast milk supplemented with formula until my supply regulated. And once it did it literally went almost completely away. I’m talking 1oz total each pump session. So she’s been getting formula ever since. And *gasp* she’s even on SOY!!! The blasphemy!! Hey, I did what was best for my daughter. Formula fills her nutritional needs, and soy keeps her from projectile vomiting at least twice a day like she was doing on milk based formula. But guess what? She’s happy, healthy, and well fed. She’s almost 11lbs of formula fed perfection actually. So before you go bashing moms for deciding to use formula, realize that fed is best. And mamas, as long as your baby is happy and fed and healthy, ignore the ridiculousness that is the mom community. Jeeze. *end rant*

Oh and attached is a picture of my sleepy little chunky FORMULA FED water baby.