
Shi • Mama Bear• Pregnant with #2• Cleft Mom • Faith over Fear• Instagram @shianne_parham

I feel like all the posts I’m seeing in our Dec “18” babies group is just a bunch of negativity so I want to try and spread some cheer and positivity!

First of all CONGRATULATIONS mama’s! God has blessed every single one of us with a miracle. A bundle of joy to love & cherish. A persons a person no matter how small so celebrate your baby no matter how many weeks along you are.

Stood worrying so much. I know it’s our first instinct, to worry and question our babies well being but we have to stop driving ourselves crazy with the “What if’s”. God has his hands on our little angels & we must have faith that he will protect them & that everything will be okay in the end. We cannot let fear overrun our lives. Faith over fear & remember there’s power in prayer.

We are strong women & we are capable of growing a healthy baby with Gods help & guidance. I myself have been letting fear creep it’s way into my heart but I’m claiming Faith over Fear. With God all things are possible & everything we go through in life is no shock or surprise to him! I hope everyone knows how amazing you are & what wonderful mama’s you will be. We are so truly blessed. Too blessed to be stressed.