early morning rant

I’m 7 weeks 1 day pregnant, on and off horrible morning sickness.. i finally got put on my nausea medication which has been some what helping.. anyways, i’m starting to really read my body and my morning sickness strikes BAD when i let myself go hungry or i’m not eating. I’m getting extremely frustrated because in the middle of the night around 2-4 am my stomach is literally eating itself and i’m so exhausted some times i can’t get myself up to go snack and other nights i’ll have snacks beside my bed but that’s not good enough for my stomach... it doesn’t matter what i snack on throughout the night, if it’s not a full meal i’ll stay hungry and by morning i’ll be very sick. I guess my question is, what can i be eating in the middle of the night quickly that’s filling??? i’ve tried crackers, fruits, and dry cereal. nothing is working 😡