Running off without notice🏃🏼



I'm 19 years old and have been couch hopping since 17 on and off from my parents place. My boyfriend is 24 and has his own house and his own car. Currently my mom and I aren't on "great" terms, I say that loosely because we're never on great terms. I'm attending a behavioral school. The rules are strict and I can't fuck with their rules their just not realistic. All doors into each room are locked and only staff can let you in. When I'm late for class I get bitched at because I'm "late" not my problem if you ask me cause it was their descion to have all the doors in the program locked. Second off. Your not aloud to eat in classrooms or you get kicked out "simply cause theirs one dumbass who cant contain himself from food" staff has zero respect. Majority of the kids have one on ones because their behavior is considered a threat to the others around them. That's just a few. My mom is very verbally abusive and favorites my brother "hes autistic" he babies him to the extent of the things he does for him are what four and five year olds already know how to do. I know he's capable he just chooses not too. Told my parents if he falls when reality kicks him in the ass I'm not going to be there for him because I've told you for how many years to let him learn on his own. For instance tying his own shoes, making his own lunch, doing his chores for him, helping him put his coat on, making him breakfast. She told me if I don't go to school she'll make me sit outside on the front porch and freeze. Fact: I live in minnesota. My mom and me both have gotten into physical fights and now lately ive been turning to drinking to handle my everything. Right now I'm boyfriend is going to pick me up from the "school" so I can be with him for the day he works from home. I'm dropping college and school completely. She's slut shamed me, called me names that parents should never be calling their kids, welfare, ugly, homely, slutty, whore, etc. not sure if I want to move out and in with my boyfriend but that's my only option I live in a town with nothing and the population is 2,000 so we don't even have to bus line out by us. Nicest thing we got is the fucking gas station. Needless to say if you've ever been in my shoes I'm sorry and give me any tips on what you did.