Doppler Fun


I decided to write out a few little Doppler tips since I’m admittedly Doppler obsessed and I know how trying it can be in the beginning.

1. Probably common sense to most but don’t forget to clean the top of the Doppler with rubbing alcohol. I would just wipe mine with a paper towel and I noticed that the sound wasn’t coming out as well and as soon as a wiped it with alcohol- bam problem solved!

2. Keep a permanent marker beside of you and when you do find it mark the exact spot. I first found my babes heart beat at 7 weeks 5 days and have found it everyday since by putting the Doppler on that exact spot and circling around in different angles. I am only 8 weeks 3 days now so I’m sure that will end up changing but it’s helpful in the beginning.

3. iPhone users- open up Voice Memo (which comes on every iPhone) and record your whole ‘finding session’. You may glimpse by it and hear it for a sec but not be sure and this way you can go back and check. Some days a glimpse might be all you get, so it’s nice to have it recorded so u know for sure u did hear it. Voice memo also recorders much better sound wise than videoing it.

4. Set a timer and if you can’t find it after 10 minutes give up for that session. Not only is it potential bad for the baby to do it longer during one session(so I heard, not really sure about that...) but it will just make you frustrated.

5. Try different situations- full bladder, full stomach, half full, empty etc and figure out what seems best for you.

6. Before you start listening go to one of the videos on YouTube and really get in your head what the baby’s heartbeat sounds like. Once your very familiar with that sound it makes it so much easier.

7. Use your Doppler in a quiet area where there aren’t any distractions. Esp in early weeks you are going to have to really focus and listen for every sound.

8. If you ever wonder if it’s you or the babes heartbeat (which u really shouldn’t bc u should have that distinctive fast horse gallop sound drilled in your head) just feel for your own pulse and see if it matches up.

9. Don’t even look at the numbers no the screen, they will just confuse you. They aren’t accurate esp in the beginning. All your focus should be on the sound. Even when my Doppler is all the way up i have to put it close to my ear to hear every sound so I really shouldn’t even be able to see it.

10. This has probably been said enough but remember that it’s gonna be low. Like right at the top of your hair line.

Please share any other tips you may have!

Happy hunting!!