need help


so I know you can't know for sure the possibility of pregnancy until you've either started your period or tested positive. anyways my first day of last period was March 14th. we had sex April 1st, I know I was ovulating. so now I'm around 9dpo? give or take. period won't be due till April 18th. my cycles have always been around 33 and 35 days. I never know for sure. anyways the past week on and off I've had moments where I'll feel dizzy and nauseas, even have motion sickness. And after eating feel nauseas which I notice started a couple days ago. so pretty new. I have lots of cramping and notice I've been super bloated. crazy bloated. one thing I'm not sure of it sometimes when I stand up too quickly I get a brief quick sharp pain In my left ovarian side. I don't feel it everyday. I thought maybe a cyst. I started noticing that after we did it on April 1st. then today my ears were plugged and seemed I couldn't hear very well