Whoa what?!!!

Stephanie • Loving 💪 woman waiting to be Blessed with my 1st baby👶 (ttc). Married💍 10/01/2016😍😍

Im 33 about to be 34 and my hubby is 30 and we've been ttc since January of this year. I have BRCA. I've known since I was 25. My mother and Aunt were both in their early 30's when they got diagnosed with breast cancer, but both had already had children. I never knew how much I wanted children until I was in my late 20's. I love to sit and read the stories on Glow about pregnancy and how good God is to everyone. I love to look at the reveal pics, paternity pic, and all of the beautiful babies. When I come across a sad story I pray for the person and their families healing. The preseed stories are the best! Most of all the sharing is helpful and much needed. I know there are mean spirited people, but I choose to scroll past and keep with the positive vibes. I read one story in particular today that had me at the point of tears. I mean it was absolutely beautiful...fast forwards 30min I was walking out of my office looking all teary eyed and one of my coworkers says to me "Why are you looking retarded?" Simple question, right? The answer is I felt retarded. I proceeded to tell her why (she had an awesome pregnancy story of her own)so I felt comfortable telling her what was going on...she says after work go to dollar tree...my reply "Hell nawl! I'm not setting myself up for the okie doke. Besides if I am NOT I don't want to get my bffs aka my mom hopes up. Cause I'd have to tell her but first I'd have to tell my husband. I dont want either of them high off of life for nothing." Needless to say I didn't take my own advice. I went to dollar tree, came home and almost kicked my husband out the door to work just to find this out...

I just cheesed and stared like a crazy person. Crazy part..I had an OB appointment on Thursday the 5th doctor was called to the hospital I had to see the NP (Btw, shes awesome)buuutttt...no one noticed a thing...came back on Friday the 6th for blood work, transvaginal ultrasound, and mammogram. Transvaginal was weird she said she couldn't see my right ovary because of bowel gas and she couldn't find my left at all...but I guess everything works just fine...today before lunch the NP calls and says she just wanted to "check on me". So, we talk and I tell her what I think. I'm late, I never miss a period, etc. She says, "Come in Monday at 8:00am. I'll tell front office I'm coming in early and to put you on the schedule." I'm like cool, but is this a sign..now I know it was!😁🤗