Custody battle (who would get custody?)


•I have many screenshots of him threatening to kill himself

•I have screenshots of two different people saying that the father of my child snorted pills

•I have a screenshot from a month or so ago of us agreeing that he will stay sober from everything (drinking, marijuana, and other drugs) and also have him confessing he drank last night.

•He is 23 and lives with his mom (working on getting an apartment)

•He has a job at McDonald’s

•He has no car or license

•He has at least one screenshot of me talking about wanting to kill myself (it was just hormones but I have had depression and suicidal problems before) but I have had a therapist since November and she isn’t concerned about me at all.

•I am 20 and have my own trailer house

•I have a job at a local restaurant

•I have no car or license

•I used to smoke weed and did once while pregnant I also used to drink but haven’t done either I’m a very long time

•I used to have an eating disorder but since finding out I am pregnant am eating at least 2 meals a day but usually 3 and snacks