I really hate being pregnant?!


So I know a lot of women love pregnancy, and I do like some aspects of it, I love my baby obviously, and I love knowing he’s close and feeling him move but other than that?

I literally threw up for the first three months, it was like a flu that wouldn’t go away, then it was the heartburn, nausea, back pain, stomach pain, shortness of breath, headaches, a very painful kidney stone...

I hate the way I look, I still haven’t gotten that “pregnancy glow”, my acne is worse off than it was, not a fan of how Chubby my face looks.

Progressively getting bigger has really taken a toll on my self esteem, I try to tell myself it’s beautiful but..

The stretch marks, not fitting into anything, losing all my friends.

The decreased sex drive...

I am exhausted of feeling gassy and bloated and heavy and weighed down and tired and full. I’m itchy all over and my breasts getting bigger has gotten past the point of painful.

I am seriously impressed at women who can go through this time and time again, you are some very strong ladies.

I know that when it’s all over with my son will have been worth every horrible minute and I don’t regret any of it but I am definitely not a fan of being pregnant.

Add me on facebook :Allyssa Roy

Instagram : sweetpotatoswag