I need help with an ex question

Ive been dating my boyfriend for almost a year. Recently me and a long time ago ex became friends again. We've been spending a lot of time together and it's been great. He and my boyfriend get along really well it makes me happy. The down side is I think that he still loves me and to be honest I never stopped loving him... I think it may be wise if I stop spending time with him because the more time I spend with him the more I miss what we had, the more it makes me wish my current boyfriend treated me the way he did, I'm so confused and torn because I do love my current boyfriend but he has many flaws, the worst being that I don't feel like he has the same feeling a I have for him. I've spoken with my current bf about trying to show me that he cares... because he doesn't really. I know all men are different but my ex made me feel beautiful and loved. I guess I'm just seeking that again... any suggestions on what I could or should do???