pregnant ?


im 17 and have been w my boyfriend for 2 years . prom night , we had the night together . that was about march 20th. well my periods are pretty irregular and he’s gotten fairly used to me being late, but these past few months its regulated itself .. until now. im 10 days late, unless you count the one day i spotted and it was brown blood, most likely leftover from my previous period is what i read . so i still havent gotten it, & i’m extremely nervous.. im very athletic & im wanting to go to college for sports, and im wanting to also go into engineering . having a baby at 17 will completely derail my whole life and future, and i dont want to bring my baby into a life where i cant fully <a href="">nurture</a> it as i would be able to as an adult . i dont know what to do. also , if i really were to be pregnant, would i be able to tell at all being about 2-3 weeks ??? idk if im just psyching myself out or if i can seriously tell because i generally have a toned stomach but this past week ive been feeling more bloated . i dont wanna sound crazy 🙄 idk im just scared and looking for all possible signs .

UPDATE: took two tests, here are the results

my period is mad crazy most of the time , and is always longer than a week. buts its ALWAYS on time, within 26-29 days after the other. so it being (11 days, now) late is just really out of wack for me. i had really bad cramps for a few days and spotting just enough to stain my underwear and that was it, now it’s over. maybe my period came and just lasted 30 minutes idek 😂