Meds after cesarian and nursing newborn

Spring Momma 🐞🐝💐🌿 • 31| Married 💍 SAHM of two 👧🏻💕 👶🏻💙

I had a cesarian on Monday and was discharged today. I’m not in unbearable pain but it can be uncomfortable at time while nursing my baby boy. When hubby went to pick up my prescriptions he didn’t ask whether the meds were safe while nursing. My colostrum barely came in and I really don’t to supplement or pump. Anyway have any of you ladies been prescribed meds that ended being super unsafe for baby? I was going to take on of the meds but had a gut feeling that something about them wasn’t right so I called the pharmacist and she explained to be that the meds that were prescribed are a big no-no for newborns it can make them stop breathing. I’m hoping I can handle the pain in other ways and not have to take the meds.