so annoyed!!!


I'm 6 months pregnant and my husband's aunt and and 1 year old baby niece came to stay with us for two weeks and I just CANT STAND THE BABY CRYING or when they ask me to watch her. I'm just already so exhausted in the first place. I'm the only one that cooks, does dishes, cleans a house full of 4 other grown adults. and I don't think it's my responsibility. is this normal? idk if it's just hormones but I don't want to act/feel this way towards my own baby. it kind of worries me. yesterday I got home from work with my husband all day. I was up on my feet walking around and as soon as I walk in the door and try to rest in my room they come in and hand me the baby to watch her. it really really erked my nerves. will this change when I have my baby?