Baby? Maybe?


We haven’t been trying for a baby, however we’ve been having some signs. Thoughts anyone? I have some signs pointing to no - I’m on birth control and take I️t within an hour or 2 of the normal time. I don’t forget to take I️t too often and when I do I take I️t the next day. However my nipples have a clear/whiteish watery discharge when squeezed (a early sign of pregnancy/cancer/or something completely unrelated, I know) and it’s been a while since they have been stimulated (which I read could be a reason) I have a few other symptoms (like i get nauseous usually at night but I haven’t thrown up) that could be pregnancy or who knows what else, (thanks webmd) but my boyfriend had a crazy dream the other night that we had a baby and I think it’s so crazy that he had that dream. We are going to take a test tonight.. I’ll update below!! Tell me your guesses and thoughts!!