Need good vibes


My grandma keeps having strokes and had a procedure done today.

I don't know what the procedure is called, but they go in through your hip with a camera and move it all the way up into the brain. They were doing this to figure out why she was having strokes.

She had a stroke at the end of the procedure and was taken into the ICU. As bad as that sounds, it was a really good thing that this stroke happened while in their care because they could deal with it immediately.

She lost her short term memory, she couldn't feel the right side of her body. She lost her vision. She kept asking what happened to her over and over again and why she couldn't go home. Then she wasn't making any sense at all.

She almost died and I left work and went up there and in he few hours I was up there she improved so much that she was laughing. Her vision came back in her left eye and she can move both sides of her body now. She's going back and forth from making sense and not making sense. She told me before I left "there's so many things I wanna do. Like pee and go to sleep" 😂

Just sent good vibes to that woman. I love her so much.

And freaking bless the nurses at that hospital. They are amazing people. They're the ones who made her laugh

The good news is that they found what they were looking for with the procedure and are going to treat it with steroids