name calling

So I've been called so many names so many times. But today pushed me to my limit. Some girl called me a see you next tuesday. So I hit her, a fist. I was so scared to do it. I'm in 10th grade and I've never gotten in trouble at school. So I got suspended. I'm proud of myself for sticking up for me because none of my friends would but I'm also very angry at myself. I keep replaying it in my head and it is driving me crazy. And all day people have been talking shit about me. Like this girl that I barely know also called me that but she was/is too scared to say it to my face. She had to say it to my friend. Who told me. Like grow some balls and say it to my face. And now everyone is voicing there opinions about me and I dont think I can take it. Like yeah we all have opinions about each other but seriously keep them to your self. You dont know what others are going through. Anyways I'm happy Im out of school for two days but I'm also sad because I actually like school.