I need advice....


So, I’ve been called a bitch in my time and within the past year or so I thought I stopped being so rude, including not insulting people I don’t know or seriously (although I do make insults but they’re jokes and I let my friends know that). Well, recently my closest friend has stopped talking to me and the closest thing she’s come to trying to start a conversation is laughing when another girl (whom I barely know) basically called me a slag. I don’t know what’s happened with her but either way I’ve not said anything negative about her in any way shape or form, only that I don’t know why she isn’t speaking to me and in class I moved seats since I didn’t see any point in sitting next to her if she was only going to ignore me. And I didn’t move far, I switched seats with the person next to me. Anyways, that’s that and so far, no change.

I was at a friends house last night. Prior to that, this friend (friend B) blocked me on Snapchat because I was making jokes when she was helping out another friend through something bad (I don’t know). Instead of telling me to just stop, she just blocked me and gave no explanation until last night.

Anyways, we drank and when she was wasted she started making comments about how I’m a whore, a slag, a slut a cunt and a bitch. At first I thought she was joking but after a while it was obvious that she meant it. Then she went on about how she’d rather sleep with anybody else instead of me (it’s a long story, but again this was all a joke at the start). And then she told me I was racist and homophobic because I defended this man who said he was into white women because he liked blonde girls and that I said most people are straight (when she had a rant over someone on omegle.)

That, and she defended pedophilles (I can’t spell it, but you get it). As disgusting as this was to begin with, she knows that I was sexually assaulted when I was 13/14 by a 56 yo. I can’t believe she’d basically laughed in my face about that.

Anyways, then she called me a bitch again and told me that she’d rather be with anybody else apart from me, and that anybody else would agree with her.

In the following morning, she was in a mood with me and didn’t say why. When I said I was leaving early my other friend asked why and I told her the truth, I didn‘t feel welcome. Friend B said I wasn’t and that I could be gone forever and she wouldn’t miss me.

I had self esteem issues before and I know I shouldn’t let it get to me but this has just made it worse. I don’t know what I should do because I feel like what she said was true. I don’t know what I should do but this really upset me and can anybody give me advice?